Menopause@Work Blog

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Unveiling the Link Between Menopause and Women's Heart Health

exercise heart nutrition Oct 17, 2023

Heart disease is a silent epidemic affecting women globally, surpassing breast cancer as the leading cause of female mortality. Shockingly, 40% of heart attacks in women are fatal, often striking without warning. But why don't we talk about it more? Historically, heart disease was considered a 'man's thing,' leading to skewed research and a lack of understanding of women's unique symptoms. In this article, we'll shed light on the connection between menopause and heart health, emphasizing the importance of awareness, and providing insights into how women can protect their cardiovascular well-being during this life stage.

The Heart of The Gender Gap

For decades, heart disease research predominantly focused on men, perpetuating the myth that it primarily affected them. However, it wasn't until the 1980s that it became evident that women faced similar risks. Women often experience atypical symptoms like nausea and fatigue, leading to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment. Multiple studies have shown that women may face longer wait times in emergency rooms compared to men, further complicating the issue.

Menopause Awareness & Heart Disease

World Menopause Day on October 18th is dedicated to raising awareness of cardiovascular disease, emphasizing the importance of women's heart health during menopause. This hormonal transition significantly impacts the cardiovascular system, influencing cholesterol levels and other risk factors.

The Impact of Menopause on Cardiovascular Health

During menopause, hormonal fluctuations disrupt the delicate balance in the body, leading to increased cholesterol levels. Estrogen, a protective factor, promotes 'good' HDL cholesterol and keeps blood vessels supple, aiding blood flow. Conversely, declining estrogen levels result in a higher ratio of 'bad' LDL cholesterol, leading to atherosclerosis and increased risk of heart disease. While hormones don't cause heart disease, they play a significant role in influencing risks, highlighting the importance of considering these factors when exploring treatment options for menopausal symptoms.

Understanding the Risk of Menopause

Although natural menopause does not cause an immediate increase in the risk of heart disease, it signals a period of increasing risk related to both age and estrogen deficiency. Recognizing this transition is crucial for taking control of your heart health during menopause.

Taking Control of Your Heart Health

Given that women are six times more likely to die of heart disease than breast cancer, it's crucial to prioritize cardiovascular health during and after menopause. Here are several ways to do so:

  1. Regular Screening: Periodic check-ups that include cholesterol level monitoring and heart health assessments can help detect early signs of cardiovascular issues.
  2. Nutrition: Reducing saturated fats and sugars can help maintain heart health. Embrace a heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
  3. Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, to improve heart health and maintain a healthy weight.
  4. Smoking Cessation: Quitting smoking is paramount, as it reduces good cholesterol and exacerbates heart disease risks. Seek support and resources to quit successfully.
  5. Stress Management: Chronic stress can negatively impact heart health. Explore stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or yoga to promote well-being.
  6. Medications: If cholesterol levels are dangerously high, medication or clinical procedures may be necessary to prevent complications. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Heart disease is a threat to women's health. Breaking the silence on this issue is essential for early detection and prevention. By understanding the connection between menopause and heart health, recognizing the risk factors, and taking proactive measures, women can improve their overall well-being and reduce the risk of heart disease, ultimately living healthier, longer lives.

For further information and support about heart health and workplace menopause support.

Melissa MacGowan – Founder Meno Collective

Women and Heart Disease - Heart Research Australia

For Professionals | Heart Foundation

Women Die From Heart Attacks More Often Than Men. Here’s Why | Time

Meno Collective

As with any information created for or by Meno Collective & Menopause Experts Group, the information in this post is accurate at the time of posting and is for information purposes only. Information is not intended to replace or substitute the judgment of any medical professional. You should always seek advice from your health care professional regarding a medical condition.


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